martes, 25 de febrero de 2020

coronavirus ideas...

Quickly. We got no educate everyone on microbial risks and better diet habits.

Looking from the outer space we can add some observations:

1) covid 19 is specially virulent with immuno depressed persons (elderly, ill, pregnant, Child)

2) covid 19 is the version 19.0 of this kind of subcellular entity. Mutations, adaptations...

3) covid started in northern hemisfephere, mid witnter, in non unpolluted regions (smog, nanoparticles, NOx's -thanks volks!-, and hundreds of different chemicals- read David Susuki-, is not only CO2- tell Greta-)

These latter facts had called our attention.

What It is linked with cold weather?

What is linked with polluted Air?

Mucous secretions. ✓

Where is more likely to attach a single covid? 
In a clean nose or in a constipated one?

So, more chances of getting covid if you got an irritated nose, throat, lungs, eyes, and you encounter an infected friend (another big trouble here is that during several days you are not sick but your body act as an aircraft carrier full of flying viruses!) In the bar or the streets.
You shake hands!
He went to the crowded Toilet of the Pamplona cityhall square, he did not wash&clean his hands properly.

He got a micro particle of faeces still attached to his little finger of the right hand, the one you touched during 6 seconds.

Your constipated son of 4 years old comes out The school 10 minutes later... You kiss him and barely touch his little nose full of secretions (cold, pollution)...

Pray God that his immune system just find and destroy these introuders!

I just want to add a single advise:
Avoid colds, avoid polluted Air areas, try to eat non polluted food and drinks, this latter is to get more and more biological, ecological, organic food: cereals, vegetables, fruits from crops not using pesticides!, More milk, yogurts, butter, poultry, meat from animals well treated and nourished with #BioEcOrganic feed, non pesticides added on oat, maize, soja...

What is the link between covid 19 an eating a better (@BioEcOrganic) diet!?

Well, if we observe that mucous secretions could increase by effect of cold weather+polluted Air in crowded (Cars, industries) cities, thus increasing the probabilities of getting covid attached to the jelly Matrix in our nose or throat!

But another* cause for this mucous Matrix is, polluted food, drinks, diet...

People are poisoning themselves eating very bad chemicals every meal!

Hidden in grams of Protein, fat, fibre or carbohidratos!


*also smoke and drinking alcohol and all kind of drugs (soft or heavy)

Stay clear!

Prof. Dr. Mikel de Elguezabal Méndez, biologist

lunes, 24 de febrero de 2020

coronavirus: brecha o fallo de sanidad Pamplona?

El coronavirus es muy difícil de evitar. Hasta por vía fecal puede transmitirse. Manos Mal lavadas etc.
Nuestro café recibe más visitas al aseo que cualquier café normal para un tamaño parecido (12 mesas: 6 terraza y 6 internas) 42 personas máximo en un momento dado. Y de esta población estadísticamente hablando, van al aseo correspondiente un 20%
El problema es que el ayuntamiento de Pamplona permite pseudocafes sin aseo y lo vengo reportando por razones higiénico sanitarias y por otras cosas económicas (afectación, daño, competencia desleal, usurpación de funciones, intrusismo profesional, engaño a clientes etcétera)...

 Problema es, que en 5 años de operación en la plaza del ayuntamiento de Pamplona, tenemos que 'atender' también necesidades fisiológicas (caca, pis: cada gr o ml con millardos de microbios como virus, bacterias, hongos, parásitos etcétera!) De los clientes engañados en pseudocafes sin aseo!
Así, nuestro riesgo de coronavirus o cualquier epidemia futura se duplica! 
Y eso es un peligro de salud pública!

Las autoridades municipales serán responsables!

Alcaldes, concejales, técnicos, funcionarios, directores de área!

Parar ésto! Ya!


Riesgo sanitario en Pamplona!

5 años y es imposible? 

Navarra debe dar ejemplo!

Mikel de Elguezabal Méndez